Thursday, July 11, 2013

It's my world.... I think

From now on you'll be hearing from me quite regularly since some person has decided to create a tome about my life(no surprise there). I just hope that, Azar willing, I get the right amount of credit for shaping the world as it is today. Music stop playing for a minute, oh wait, nevermind, anyway! Anyway, that boy better not steal the show from me. The true lord of the land is well, yours truly. And my plans, which you're probably wondering about, they'll come later. Where am I now? You can probably guess. I've got a corner office in a company in a city you all probably know too well. How am I still in the realm of the living you ask? That's a question for another day. Right now I have to make sure the profits are high and the customers keep coming back. See you all later.


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